Middleville Township
3014 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake, MN 55349
Note: Wright County is no longer subsidizing recycling for Townships and you may have heard some Townships are no longer offering pickup. Middleville will continue to offer pickups and we will discuss the issue at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday March 11th after voting closes at @8:15 PM.
Monthly Township meetings occur on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (with the exception of March) at 7:00PM. Find out how your Township is managed. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Thoroughly Modern Millie
OK, ok, not Millie, but Mary Raymond is an example of one of our Election Roster Judges during a township election. What is significant here is the 'Poll Pad', a new device implemented county wide to update, track, and access voter registration data. No more pens, except for the actual ballots. The township election is held every year on the second Tuesday in March.
What does the township spend money on?
one word: ROADS. See below.
Middleville Township has a 'ghost' town within the township. This marker is on the North side of Smith Lake (that's the lake in the right background), just west of County Road 5.